Winter's Frollick Page 6
Each sister was cursed to their own land and the longer they were away from it, the more it would deteriorate. They could only visit each other for a few days before they grew weak, and the land grew dark. She planned only two days with her sister before she would have to venture back to Winter. She hadn’t seen Silvia in two years, so the trip was long overdue.
She didn’t wait for a reply, knowing the message reached her sister by the delight in her magic. She walked toward the DVD area and picked out a comedy for them to watch tonight. She wasn’t ready to have Jacob in her room yet and figured watching a movie was the best bet. She still couldn’t believe she’d made love with Henry. She never imagined she’d feel for someone the way she felt for him.
“Do we have to watch this?” Jacob asked. He sat dangerously close to Freya on the couch, close enough their thighs touched. She was okay with it so far and didn’t move away from him. She was nervous and a little bit anxious to be in the room alone with him. There was much about Jacob she didn’t know.
“Yes, you picked last time.” She giggled. He was clearly not having the movie she picked out.
He watched in silence, laughing at the appropriate times and gasping when the love interested seemed to have died. It was just a tease though and he pulled through. Jacob was intense. He did everything with a focus unlike any other she’d seen before. If he was training, it was all he did. He let the power consume him as he learned and took in every ounce of training and lessons threw at him. If he was watching a movie, he was in one hundred percent. He didn’t take his eyes off the TV until the rolling credits started.
“It was okay.”
She laughed loudly and snorted. “You liked it.”
He shrugged like it was no big deal and reached over, taking her hand in his. “Did you enjoy it?” he stared at her hand as he spoke, his thumb rubbing circles over the top of it.
“I did,” she whispered. “Tell me more about you, Jacob. Teach me about the mortal land.”
“What do you want to know?” he asked. “I grew up with only my mom and she died when I was young. I don’t have any siblings … well, I don’t have any siblings that I know of. I guess my fae dad could have whored around and I wouldn’t know about it.” He pondered the thought and looked to her. “Do you think I have siblings?”
“I have no idea.”
“Maybe I’ll find out someday. Anyway, the mortal realm is scary sometimes. Especially in New York City. People walk around with guns, and others fight anyone who looks at them wrong. I learned a long time ago to keep my head down and not make any noise.”
“Guns? You mean those weapons?” she inquired.
He nodded. “Yeah. The mortal realm can be cool too though. We have a lot of holidays. Pizza is amazing. Ice cream is delicious. And every once in a while, you find the person who makes everything better. The person who makes the whole thing worthwhile.”
She felt the deepness in those words and wondered if he thought she was that person. It was too soon to tell, in her opinion. They barely knew each other, and she knew what she felt was because of the mark. It was like a string tying them together for eternity. Were the feelings real? Yes. Could she control them? No. Were they going to stay this way forever? She had no idea.
“Tell me about your favorite holiday,” she urged. “I want to know more.”
“My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.”
“Thanksgiving. What’s Thanksgiving?”
“It’s a day where we celebrate taking over the land and eat a bunch of food. When I think about it, the holiday is kinda shit, but the food is really good. My boss invited me to Thanksgiving the past few years, and I had a great time.”
“Sounds…interesting.” She was honest, at least.
“What about you? Do the fae have holidays?”
“Of course. We celebrate birthdays and the solstice each season. Full moons are a big thing because they bring power boosts. We often gather so we can use our powers for good on full moons. Using the magic to create things or monuments, clear forests, or help those in need.”
“Wow. Do you have one planned this month?”
She shook her head. “No. We will be visiting my sister in two days’ time. And the full moon falls during our trip.” A thought pinged in her mind and she grinned widely. “Silvia has a full moon party each month. We can attend hers.”
“That would be awesome!” he yelled excitedly. “Do I have to do anything?”
She shook her head. “No. Silvia’s parties are different. She uses them to allow others to put on a magic show of sorts. Each month is someone new and they do tricks for her to enjoy. She loves it.”
“Maybe I can learn something,” he quipped.
She squeezed his hand in hers. “You are doing really well. I wouldn’t worry about learning more yet. You are doing great.”
“I feel like I’m not very strong.”
“You moved the whole fountain underground today and closed the earth back up. Earth magic takes serious power. You need to control it more, but it comes with time.”
He shrugged, defeated. “If you say so.”
She took his face in her free hand and turned him toward her. “I do say so. I’m princess so what I say goes.”
He held back a grin and nodded. “Okay.”
They spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing as they learned more about each other. They talked of their hopes, their dreams, their fears, and their wants. She felt the tiniest of flutters of new love blooming between them, but wasn’t ready to admit it just yet. Feelings were there, she would admit that, but nothing more was to be acknowledged.
“How are we traveling?” Henry asked.
“I think we can use our powers to teleport us there,” Freya said. “Don’t you?”
“Jacob has never done that.”
“I know. He can learn. We’ll both hold on to him, so he doesn’t lose his way,” she said.
“If you’re sure,” Henry said. “I will grab our bags.” They’d all packed lightly, they were only going to be gone for two days, so they needed two bags between the three of them. Jacob seemed nervous and was twisting his hands together while Henry was placing the bags on his back. Freya smiled at Jacob, hoping to ease his tension before they traveled.
“How does this work?” Jacob asked.
“We all call upon our power and tell it we want to be somewhere else. I’ll guide us since I’ve been to Silvia’s Court before and your magic will follow. We’ll be there in no time. It’s like teleporting but the magic will actually carry us across the earth to get there.”
“I might throw up,” Jacob admitted.
Freya laughed. “No, you won’t. Now come on and grab hold of our hands.”
He did as he was told and his magic stirred in response to Freya’s. She did as she’d said and called her magic forward. She closed her eyes and held her head back, chanting under her breath as she told the magic where to take them. Jacob held on for dear life and screamed when they were jutted through the air at lightning speeds. They traveled this way for what felt like years, but it was in fact minutes. When they came to a stop, Jacob stepped forward and gagged but didn’t throw up. He was pale and stumbled as he struggled to stand. His eyes were lit with excitement in spite of his appearance.
He and Henry took in their surroundings. A tall castle, much like Freya’s, stood before them. Large columns surrounded the castle, and a large overhang covered the walkway to the doors. A blonde-haired beauty who looked much like Freya waited for them on the steps. She wore shorts and a tank top with her hair down in waves around her shoulders. She screamed and ran to them, jumping up and down as she hugged Freya.
“I’ve missed you so much,” Silvia said into Freya’s hair.
“I’ve missed you too,” Freya admitted.
They stood there in each other’s arms for minutes before finally breaking apart. Silvia watched Henry and Ja
cob, studying each of them for a moment. She nodded to Henry, “Hello, Sir Henry. Nice to make your acquaintance.” Then nodded at Jacob. “And yours, Sir Jacob.”
They greeted her in return and the four of them headed up the steps and into the castle. All around them people were hustling and bustling as they prepared for Silvia’s full moon party. Tables lined the courtyard and chairs were placed sporadically throughout the area. Lights were hung overhead with large lanterns hanging from every third bulb. The people were using their magic to move and arrange things. Jacob gaped at the sight of all these fae in one place. He hadn’t met this many people at Freya’s castle. Not yet anyway.
Freya and Silvia held hands as they made their way up the steps and through the front doors. Silvia called for someone to take the bags from Henry and led them to a sitting room. Her castle was bright and fun, with yellows and oranges everywhere. Flowers filled pots along the tables and glasses of colored marbles decorated each. Henry had never seen flowers and stopped, brushing his fingers over the velvety soft petals.
“What is this?” he asked.
Jacob answered for the princesses. “A flower. They grow from the ground.”
Henry’s mouth fell open as he studied it. “It’s beautiful.”
Silvia grinned, loving Henry was already experiencing new things. She knew Jacob would be not far behind him as he was new to the fae world.
They sat around the table in the room and water was placed before each of them. Freya was sweating and immediately was regretting her clothing choices. But she’d had nothing else since they came from Winter.
“I have some clothes, sis,” Silvia said. “We’ll get you changed in a few.” Glancing at Henry and Jacob, she said, “And you two can lose the shirts. No men around here wear them.”
Henry followed her instructions as she was speaking. His fiery magic had him turned up to hotter than hot and he was ready to bake in the house. Jacob was a little shyer about it and decided to keep his shirt on.
For now.
“Tell me, how was the travel?”
“Good! It happened quickly as normal. No problems. No attacks.”
“Attacks?” Jacob repeated. “Why would there be attacks?”
“Rulissa often attacks us if we visit one another. It’s why we don’t do it often. It’s much too dangerous,” Silvia explained.
“Shit,” was all Jacob could say.
They chatted and drank their water until Freya couldn’t take it anymore and begged Silvia for a change of clothing. Sweat dripped down her neck and back, soaking her shirt. She was miserable, and the boys weren’t far behind her. Henry needed more water to cool himself in this heat. His first time in summer was beginning to look like a doozy.
The ladies went upstairs, leaving the boys behind to explore the room. Bookshelves lined the walls, and a large fireplace was smack dab in the middle of the room. Why in the world did she need a fireplace in summer? Jacob wondered and knew he had to ask. The heat was almost unbearable, and he knew there was no way she used the fireplace for its intended usage.
“Lose the shirt,” Henry said.
“I’m fine,” Jacob said this as sweat dripped from his brow and down his face. Henry knew he was lying.
“It’s my first time in summer,” Henry admitted. “I believe I like winter better.”
“Oh yeah, the curse.”
“Yes, we have never had another season before. Are spring and fall so miserable?”
Jacob shook his head. “No, fall is pretty. Well, spring is too. Everything grows and blooms in spring. All the flowers, the trees, everything. And in fall, it dies, leaving behind the beauty in death.”
Henry grew lost in his thoughts and his gaze wandered around the room. Jacob noticed his eyes darken as he contemplated what he’d said. Jacob knew he’d lost him to his curiosity.
“Did you hear me?” Jacob said, snapping his fingers in front of Henry’s face.
“No. Sorry. What?”
“I asked you if Freya would take you to the other seasons.”
“I do not know. The danger is real, and you know how strong Rulissa’s army is. She’s even stronger. The girls are simply not strong enough to win without their frollicks.”
“Wait, so each sister has to get a group of men?”
“Or women,” Henry interjected.
“So, a group of fae to help them fight. Who they are mated to?”
Henry nodded. “Yes, and they have to before their twenty-fifth birthday or the curse is forever.”
“We could have to live in winter forever?” Jacob asked.
“Yes, if we do not find the other two frollick members.”
Jacob’s eyes grew wide, and he sat down. He placed his head in his hands and breathed deeply. “I don’t know if I can do that, man.”
“You will do anything because it is for Freya.” Henry was gentle when he said it, but firm. He knew Jacob cared for the princess and they both would lay down their lives for her if needed.
Giggling distracted them from their conversation and both men’s eyes popped when they saw Freya. She wore shorts barely covering her ass and a shirt showing off her cleavage. Jacob was enamored with the princess and thought she was beautiful. He saw Henry adjust himself out of the corner of his eye and smirked, realizing Henry liked this outfit as much as he did.
“Do I look okay?” she asked, hesitant because so much of her body showed. She was the most conventional and conservative of the sisters. That’s why it’d taken so long for her court to get the wardrobe they now had. Change was hard and she didn’t like it.
“You are magnificent,” Henry said. His breath was heavy and broken as the words left his mouth.
“You do. You look hot,” Jacob agreed.
“I am hot. That’s why I changed,” Freya said, confused.
Jacob laughed. “No, that’s not what I meant. I mean you are incredible and sexy.”
“Oh,” she blushed. “Thank you both.”
“Let’s get some dinner! And then I’ll tell you all about tomorrow night’s plans,” Silvia said. Her eyes danced in excitement and it was contagious.
They dined in a large dining room with a table the length of the room. The food was delicious. Rich bread, a ham, and several sides lined down the middle of the table. They ate until they were stuffed and retired to the sitting room. Jacob remembered to ask about the fireplace as soon as they entered the room.
Silvia laughed. “No, I don’t use it regularly. The only purpose it has is to speak to Lena. And for winter if I ever find my frollick.” She said the words with a tinge of pain, like she was afraid she would be cursed forever to this heat.
“I’m sure you’ll find them,” Freya consoled. “I didn’t think I would find mine and look! I have two.”
“And two months.”
“And two months,” Freya repeated. “I know. I have to find them somehow.”
“Maybe you’ll find one tomorrow during the party!” Silvia exclaimed.
Freya rolled her eyes, but the thought had crossed her mind. She wondered if she would mate again when faced with all the fae of summer court. She had to hope she would find another one of her mates in the crowd tomorrow. She was running out of time.
“Tell us about tomorrow,” Jacob said. “I’ve never been to a fae party.”
“Oh, yeah,” Silvia said. “I forgot you come from the mortal realm. You’ll have to tell me about it.”
He nodded in agreement. He would teach them whatever they wanted to know, but he was curious about the party in the particular moment.
“Tomorrow will start early. We will have a festival throughout the day with games, drinks, and food. When the sun goes down, we will all join together, and the magic shows will start.”
“What kind of magic shows?” Jacob asked.
“The strongest fae will get together and use their magic together to create things. Sometimes we grow trees, sometimes we simply have all the air fae come together to give us a breeze. It’s a time f
or everyone to practice and feel their magic flow through them. The full moon makes it so strong and potent…it’s an amazing feeling,” Silvia explained.
Freya yawned and glanced outside. It was dark and she felt it was getting late. “Can someone show us to our rooms?”
Silvia stopped and bit her lip. “Rooms?”
“I only had one room prepared. You’re mated!”
Freya grew pale and gulped. “Okay. That’s fine.”
Henry didn’t appear affected, but Jacob was nervous. He’d never slept in the bed with Freya. Or a bed with another man. Was this going to be awkward?
“I’ll show you up,” Silvia said with a knowing grin.
The three of them followed Silvia in various states of panic and unrest. They’d never all shared a room before. Freya hadn’t even kissed Jacob yet and they were expected to share a bed?
Why was she constantly having to share her bed with these mates?
She groaned at the thought. Uneasy and nervous about the entire situation. She could punch her sister for not realizing they’d all need separate rooms. She didn’t mind sharing a room with Henry, but she’d been with him. It was different.
Two at the same time?
She was nauseated at the thought.
Silvia opened the room which was soft and breezy. There were two sets of patio doors open and a large king size bed in the middle of the room. The colors were soft blues and whites with a splash of red or pink with the adorning flowers. Freya took the room in, seeing her sister had much better style than herself, and sighed. She felt comfortable in this room and hoped nothing awkward would come about.
“I’ll leave you all to it, then,” Silvia giggled.
That rat. Freya knew she pulled this stunt on purpose and her giggle proved it! She seethed, promising to get her back at the first chance she got. Silvia closed the door behind her, and Freya peered at Henry, then Jacob. Both of them stood on either side of her. Henry was relaxed and gave her a smirk when she glanced his way. She felt the smirk all the way to her toes and wished she wasn’t stuck with both of them this trip. Jacob looked more nervous, like herself, and didn’t make eye contact when she turned his way.