Winter's Frollick Page 4
Orion grabbed her in a tight hug while he studied the newcomer. “I see. Did you have any trouble?”
Henry replied, “Yes. Rulissa was there somewhere. She sent two men to attack us in the park.”
Orion and Henry shared a look. Freya watched them from the corner of her eyes, a calming sense of safety filling her. She knew they’d die for her if necessary, but prayed it never came to that.
“Let’s get inside,” Orion said.
They made their way up the stairs and into the parlor. Freya sat in an oversized chair and motioned for Jacob and Henry to sit on the couch. Before they were seated, a tray of hot tea and coffee was placed on the table in front of them.
Jacob grinned. “This is insanity.”
Freya couldn’t help but smile at the amazement in Jacob’s eyes. He seemed astonished at everything she took for granted in her daily life. It made her pause and think of everything she’d been given and how much she had. She was blessed, even if she was also cursed.
“You will stay here. Henry, you too,” Freya proclaimed.
Henry nodded and Jacob stared at his feet.
“What is it?” she asked.
“I’m not used to being given things. I want to earn my keep.” His face was hard and serious as he spoke, showing Freya he meant business.
“Orion?” she called.
He came into the room and stood beside her. “Yes, Freya?”
“Jacob wants to work. Can we get him started on a training regime and show him the knight’s role please? The protection guidelines, train him in fighting, show him the area, and educate him on the dangers of the land. Tomorrow.”
Orion nodded once and left them to speak alone.
Freya reached for a cup of coffee and inhaled the bitter aroma. She’d been drinking coffee since she was small and knew it came from the mortals. It was one thing they did right. As she captured Jacob’s attention, she explained how her parents had died and the cursed was placed.
“There you have it. I have two months to find two more mates, or the land is cursed forever.”
“You mean…” Jacob started. “These people only know winter?”
She nodded. “Most of them.”
“How will the curse lift?” Henry asked.
“I’m not sure. I believe it will break on my birthday if I have my correct mates. Rulissa isn’t exactly open with her intentions and how the curse works.” Freya leaned back in the chair, her fingers tapping against the arm of it. She was exhausted from their adventure and only wanted to sleep, but they must talk to Jacob. She felt herself nodding off and jerked awake.
“Princess, you should sleep,” Henry suggested. “Using all the magic you did is tiring.”
“She used magic?” Jacob gasped. “I don’t remember seeing it!”
“How do you think you ran through snow and ice without slipping?” Henry asked. He appeared impatient in his reply.
Freya nodded. “Okay. We should sleep and tomorrow we can discuss any questions you have. Nathan!” she called. “Please show these two to their rooms.”
He bowed in acceptance and motioned the two men to the left of the stairway. Freya walked up the right and headed to her suite. She was tired and achy, feeling the strain of the attack and the magic usage down to her bones. She barely made it inside and slipped off her shoes before she collapsed on the bed and slept.
Jacob rose with the sun. He was used to it, after all. He’d been working at the mechanic shop since he was sixteen. He was now twenty-three and getting up early was instilled into his system. He peeked out his door, and seeing no one around, he sneaked toward the staircase. He wasn’t sure why he was being so quiet, maybe because he felt out of place in the castle. He was poor growing up and when his mother had died when he was fifteen, he’d had to scrape by. He refused to go into the foster system, so he ran from them and cared for himself once he began working. This environment, this place, was nothing like anything he’d seen before.
He saw the portraits and paintings on the wall along with sconces lighting the walkway. He found the staircase and jogged down to the first floor. He was hoping to see someone and find his way to the kitchen, but no one was in sight. In their defense, it was five am. He roamed around until he found the biggest kitchen he’d ever seen. Large appliances, much like the ones he was accustomed to, lined one wall and big island took up most of the middle kitchen. A huge area with three sinks was to the left and a rack of fresh fruits to his left. He perused the fruit, not recognizing some of it, and decided to grab an apple. Opening the refrigerator, he found five shelves covered in food and drink. He took out what appeared to be orange juice and eggs, and set on fixing food for him and the lovely Freya. He guessed he could for the other guy Henry too.
How did this mate thing work? He wondered. Were they supposed to share her? What if they fell in love? Would they all have sex together? Was sex even a thing in this mating group? He remembered a show on television with a man who had several wives. It reminded him of the situation. He thought of all his questions while he searched the cabinets for a bowl and skillet. Once he found what he needed, he began cooking the eggs. He made enough for three people and cut up an apple to add to the plates. Before he finished cooking, Freya came in wearing a long flowing gown the color of the sun.
“Hello,” she said slowly as she surveyed the room and what he was doing.. “What are you doing?”
“I made us breakfast. Where is Henry?”
“Asleep, I assume. Or training. I’m not sure.” She walked to the fridge and grabbed the water pitcher. After pouring a glass, she went to the table and sat in front of one of the plates. “You did this for us?”
He nodded. “I’m used to getting up early and caring for myself. I wanted to do something nice for you.”
She grinned. “I see. We do have a cook who lives here in the palace.”
She nodded. “But I like this better.”
They ate in silence and cleaned up after. Jacob sat back down beside her and asked her what they would do today.
“You are training with Henry and the knights. You must learn to use your magic. I’m talking to everyone in the kingdom who makes clothing. I think it’s time we joined the mortal realm in some of the attire.” She motioned to her fancy dress. “This thing gets so hot.”
He chuckled. “I can imagine. You looked good in what you wore yesterday.”
The slightest of blushes crept across her cheeks. “Thank you.”
Henry chose that moment to come through the doors and found them sitting at the table. “Freya,” he said with a smile. “Jacob,” he acknowledged with a head nod. He stood there, taking in the scene with brows furrowed and eyes searching the room.
“Jacob made us breakfast,” Freya grinned. “Wasn’t that sweet of him?”
Henry smiled awkwardly but quickly regained his composure. He smiled and took the empty seat. “It was. Thank you, Jacob.”
Jacob dropped his gaze and shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. But it was. The effort meant a lot to Freya and Henry could tell, so it meant a lot to him. He only wished Freya stared at him the way she was looking at Jacob just now. Since their kiss, Henry hadn’t thought of much else. Her full, hot lips on his. The way her body fit perfectly against his own. He was going mad wanting to touch her again, but he was afraid he would scare her off.
“Jacob,” he said as he shoveled food into his mouth. “We will train today.”
Jacob nodded. “Okay. Like fighting or magic stuff?”
Henry chuckled. “Magic stuff. We have a few Earth knights who are going to help you to learn your powers.”
Freya grinned and sat her fork on her plate, finished with her meal. “You’ll have such fun. I loved learning about my magic.”
He hesitated, worried he wouldn’t really have magic and would have to leave this place. What if before was a fluke? It was fun here, not doom and gloom like it was back home. He wasn’t worrying about b
ills and what to eat and if he could even eat. It was chill here, in both senses of the word, and he wanted to stay.
“You shouldn’t worry.” Freya was perceptive and knew something was wrong with Jacob. “You will not be harmed.”
“I’m not worried. It’s just...if I have magic...why haven’t I ever used it or felt it? What if before was a fluke and there was an earthquake or something?”
“You have,” Freya assured him. “I feel it waving off of you, so you definitely have it. You probably didn’t know what it felt like.”
He sighed in relief and stood. “Let’s go. See what I have.”
Freya sat in the sitting room with Orion, listening to him go on and on about how their attire was standard for the realm and changing it was a big mistake. She rolled her eyes more times than she could count and wished for the conversation to be over with.
“Orion,” she snapped. “I am the princess, and it is my decision. Winter shall be...modernized like the mortal realm. If my people wish to keep wearing this clothing, I will not stop them. I only want them to have more options. Now please bring in the clothing designers so I can show them the outfit from yesterday.”
Orion seemed frustrated with the girl but it was clear he had lost the battle. She was determined and headstrong when she wanted to be, and this was a fight he would never win. He sought out the designers and brought them to Freya as she demanded.
She quickly explained what she wanted, showing them the clothing they’d gotten from the mortal realm and they oohed and awed over it.
“I’m sure your wishes will be met swiftly, Freya. These are the best and most creative fae of the land.”
She nodded in agreement. They created clothing with their magic in ways she couldn’t fathom. How they took their affinities and channeled into clothing she’d never understand, but she was grateful for them. They kept everyone clothed and warm in these chilly times.
Freya giggled at one of the designers, Marsha, and nodded. “This is exactly what I think would be perfect. Maybe in a blue and a pink?”
Marsha nodded. “Of course, Princess. I’ll get started today and send you samples in the morning.”
The designers took their cuts of cloth and notes of what the princess wanted and were off. Orion decided it was time to check on the boys. Him and Freya ventured outside to find where they were training.
“Jacob,” Bradley said. “Focus. Close your eyes and feel the magic. I’ve heard you’ve done this before, so do it again.”
Jacob was frustrated at this point. They’d worked all morning with no end in sight. He was tired, hungry, and annoyed. They kept telling him to “feel the magic” and he felt nothing. No power pulling, no magic rising, nothing. Maybe it really was a fluke in the park.
Henry stopped in front of him and stared. “You’re overthinking all of this. You have magic. You can feel it. You have to believe in yourself.”
Jacob sighed and nodded. “Okay. Let me try again.”
He breathed deeply, closed his eyes, and waited. He felt a stir in his belly and hoped it was his magic. He grabbed onto it, pulling it to him like a string and felt it growing. It was his magic! It stirred and grew as he pulled, feeling it coursing through his veins. He opened his eyes, not knowing they shone green with power.
“Now move that tree,” Bradley instructed.
Jacob raised his hand, imagining the tree gliding across the forest. The roots lifting from the ground was loud around them as the tree made its descent across the area. He smiled and whooped in the air, losing control of the tree. It shook and splintered as it crashed down to the ground.
“Dammit,” he growled.
Henry slapped him on the back. “You moved it. Now we need to train you to stay focused. Try something a little simpler this time. Move the snow from the walkway.”
“Can I do that?”
“You can do anything related to the earth,” Bradley told him.
He blew a bated breath and felt the power on his fingertips. He put his hands together, then slowly moved them apart while instructing the snow to move with his hands. It obeyed and the walkway was cleared in minutes.
Freya and Orion walked up as he finished clearing the walk and Freya couldn’t help but clap with joy. “You did it!”
“There was a mishap,” he shrugged.
“So? I had many when I was learning.” She smiled at him and waved her hand toward what he’d done. “You did good.”
They all spoke and laughed for a few before going back inside. Henry used his warmth to keep them heated, but the cold was too bitter, and they soon needed heat. They had no idea the days awaiting them.
Freya lay reading on her bed, one leg propped on top of the other. Her door was open and beckoned Henry inside.
“Freya,” he said. “May I?”
She nodded. “Please.”
He tentatively walked in and examined her room. He’d never been in there before and was mesmerized to see a side of her he didn’t know. There were a lot of things he had yet to learn about his princess.
“I was wondering how you were.”
Appearing puzzled, she lay the book on her chest. “I’m okay. Thank you for checking, but why do you ask?”
“I had a feeling you were distressed.” He couldn’t explain it, but there was a tightness in his chest, and he knew it was because of her. The feeling had washed over him in a frenzy, leaving his breath ragged and heart racing.
She turned her head sideways, perplexed. “The book...there was a suspenseful scene. I must have gotten excited about it.”
He gingerly sat on the bed beside her and sighed in relief. “I’m glad it was nothing serious. I was deeply concerned.”
She marked her book and dropped it on the nightstand. Sitting up, she crossed her legs and brushed her hair behind her ear. “Thank you for helping Jacob today.”
He smiled brightly. “Of, course! He is now my brother. My family.”
“You really believe in all that stuff, don’t you? The love of the mated.”
“I believe we are mated for a reason. Whether the reason is romantic or familial love, I do not know, but my loyalty will stay the same no matter which one it is.”
She leaned forward, caressing his cheek with the back of her hand. “I could see myself falling for you. I understand now why my mother loved all of her frollick.”
His heart jumped and missed a few beats. What was she saying? He didn’t respond, instead leaned his head into her now open palm and felt her warmth on his face.
“I don’t know why I’m so against it,” she admitted in a whisper. “I think I don’t like following the rules. Being the norm. I thought it would be the norm but now? I think it could be something spectacular.”
“Tell me what you need, Princess.” His voice was husky and deep in the heat of the moment.
“You. I think I need you.” She leaned in, pressing her soft lips against his and moaned in delight. He returned the gesture and devoured her lips in his, leaving her chest heaving and breath short. They kissed with a fervor neither had known before. Each touch was electrifying, each moan enough to send the other into a frenzy. They kissed and explored each other until it was too much for either of them.
“Close the door,” Freya demanded.
She stood, slipping the pants from her waist and pulling the shirt over her head. She stood bare before him, inviting him to her bed with her eyes.
He followed her lead, undressing slowly and deliberately. He was eager to touch her skin, it looked so soft, and to feel her underneath him.
“Are you sure?” he asked. He placed his hands on her arms and gazed at her deeply in the eyes.
“I’m positive.”
She kissed him again, this time with a desire he’d never felt before. Every nerve was on edge, every touch like fire. He wrapped her in his arms and fell to the bed, both of them tangling in the sheets as they desperately fought to touch one another. He explored her body, his fingers leaving a fi
ery trail along each inch of her skin. She grew wet, her desire for him evident when he placed his finger along her opening.
“Oh, Freya,” he whispered. “I have to tell you, I’ve never done this before.”
She lifted her hips to get his hand closer. “Me neither. We’ll figure it out.”
He slipped one finger inside her, feeling her warmth and wetness. He moaned and buried his head into her neck, kissing along the delicate skin. She was soft as silk and smelled like honey. His mind was dizzy with desire.
Her breathing was heavy as his finger explored her opening. He continued to kiss her neck, leaving her writhing under his touch. He slipped his finger out of her and positioned himself over her body.
She opened up to him, her body ready and willing. He pushed against her, her tightness enveloping him. He took his time, slowly stretching her so he would fit. He was mad with desire and wanted to thrust into her, but he knew he must take care, so he didn’t hurt her.
She winced once he was all the way in and he stayed for a moment to allow her to get used to him. He bent, kissing her lips. Biting her bottom lip, he sucked it in between his teeth and licked. She began to move under him, and he couldn’t contain himself any longer.
They moved together, each meeting the other in a synchronous harmony. He held her hand as they made love and she stared up at him. Their connection was intense and strong emotions flooded through them. His pleasure combined with hers was almost too much for him to handle.
After, they lay wrapped in each other.
“That was…” Freya said.
“I know,” Henry agreed. He wondered what this meant for them now, but he didn’t want to ruin the moment and kept his mouth shut. He hoped it would mean they could be together, but he knew she would run like a scared kitten if mentioned.
A knock at the door had her scurrying to find her clothing. “Just a moment!”
Nathan stood on the other side and called through the door. “No rush, Princess, but Sir Jacob requests your presence in the foyer.”