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Intoxicating Passion Box Set Page 4

  She sighed, motioning for me to go ahead. As soon as I turned, I heard the rustle of her gown and the door open. I flung my mask off and turned, but she was gone. Rushing out, I flew down the stairs and searched everywhere for her. She’d disappeared on me, again.

  Only this time, she meant so much more than she had in the store.

  I had to find her.

  Unveiled Ties

  Intoxicating Passion #2

  By Felicia Tatum

  Chapter One-Dane

  Angel Eyes haunted me. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s all passed, and still it was her I thought of. Long, dark chocolate tresses that felt so soft on my fingers and her gloriously intense eyes were everywhere I turned. The girl I met at the bar back home reminded me of her with her soft moans, but something about them were…off. Different. Wrong. The chick I met at the frat’s New Year party had hair the same shade, but I couldn’t bring myself to take her back to my room. Instead, I insisted we go to her place. My brothers thought my actions were insane, she undoubtedly thought it was the beginning of something, but she couldn’t have been more wrong. No one had been in my room since Angel Eyes. She lingered, her scent on the bed, her presence in every corner. When I woke, her face was what I saw. She was in my dreams, often joining me in the shower for my alone time, she was everywhere. She was like the sexiest undead ghost ever.

  No other girl had ever had this effect on me. Ever. To be honest, it really freaked me out. She wasn’t that spectacular. I mean, yeah, she was beautiful, but so were a lot of other girls. The way she ignored me in the store, her eyes barely flittering over me before snubbing me. Disappearing before I could make my move. Then, to my surprise, she came to the party with a whole new personality. It was like the second she put the mask on, she became a different woman, a sexier, more confident version of her earlier self. It drove me nearly insane.

  My only hope was running into her on campus. I’d long ago, about fifteen minutes after searching for her, decided to reveal my identity if the opportunity arose, no matter how excruciating the outcome could be. So, I dressed to impress. Fitted jeans that made girls whisper behind my back, a royal blue buttoned shirt, and a tie to match. Yes, a tie. For class. I was being ridiculous, but I didn’t want to see her turn from me the way she had before. My heart was hard, cold, and possibly dead, but it still warmed for her. Rejection would kill it once and for all.

  It was the first day of spring semester classes, and I was dead set on searching every inch of the campus to find Angel Eyes. I must know her name, sooner rather than later, or my brain would probably explode. Grabbing the notebook with my schedule, I hurried down the stairs, hoping to slip out before Jack saw me.

  The little bitch annoyed me more than ever before. Of all the people to see me search for Angel Eyes, it had to be him. He’d followed me around, mercilessly mocking me as I pushed my way through the crowds of people. Hot, sweaty bodies rammed into me, several women pulled me toward them, wriggling their chests in my direction suggestively. Normally I would have given in, taken a turn with each one until I found the one I would take to bed that night, but my thoughts were clouded with her. The way she looked undeniably sexy in a long gown, and those large eyes she possessed that watched my every move, slowly seducing me with each blink. Jack saw my distress as I hunted for my angel and he hadn’t let me forget it.

  “All dressed up, I see,” his voice curled through the air, insulting me in those few words.

  I kept walking, brushing past him with a hard bump to his shoulder. I needed an apple and a frozen biscuit and I would be home free. Focusing on the task at hand, I blocked all other thoughts, people, and barriers. Today, I would find Angel Eyes. How I knew, I couldn’t tell you, but I did. There was a cinching grip to my gut, finality about the never-ending quest for the one woman who was immune to my charm….or was she? Memories from Halloween replayed like a movie on repeat. I lost the remote, so there was no way to end my suffering. She allowed me to help her, to kiss her, to touch her. Losing herself in the moment showed me how incredibly sensual she was, but her quick departure showed me her vulnerability.

  It may very well be the end of me, but I wanted her to trust me, to want me the way she did that night. To feel her soft fingers wrapped around me, her luscious lips pressed to mine with a hungry fever. To explore her body further, bury myself deep in her, only I knew deep down she wouldn’t be like the rest. There would be no hiding my face, no pretend feelings to make her feel more confident.

  It would all be real.

  And it scared the shit out of me.


  The air bit at my skin, nipping my face and leaving red streaks in its wake. Shuddering, I wrapped my jacket tighter around my chest, securing the body warmth in. The first day of classes always brought the biggest crowds, more cars to the lot than any other day of the year. By this time in my school career, I’d learned it was best to just walk from the frat house to campus. It saved gas, time, and my eminent anger at the idiots driving around the parking lot. How hard was it to drive your car, see an open space, and pull in? I wondered how half of these imbeciles got into college, seeing how difficult it was for them to park a damn car.

  So I walked, hurriedly, because it was cold. And maybe, a little, because I was excited at the possible chance of seeing Angel Eyes. Just the thought of her made my heart beat faster than the drums practicing on the football field. What in the hell? How could anyone be up and playing an instrument at this unearthly hour? The cold affected my brain, making thoughts sporadic and slightly batty. The chilly air seeped so far into my body that I no longer felt my fingertips or my toes. Luckily, Brandt Hall was in sight. My first class, the dreaded calculus course, was in less than five minutes, so I picked up my step, knowing it wouldn’t last more than fifteen minutes, but didn’t want to miss the important first day of class information. I made it with seconds to spare, slipping into the seat closest to the back door.


  The day rushed by, seeing old friends, desperately searching faces, hoping to find the one I longed for, and classes caused time to fly, leaving me with only bio lab left. I’d chosen the afternoon slot, hoping a TA taught it and would go easier on us. Easy Classes=Happy Dane.

  Strutting into class early wasn’t normally my thing, but with labs, you had to. Getting just the right partner was important. The wrong one would make you do all the work, while the OCD one would make you sit back while they did all the work, correct or not. The right partner, the one that would help you get the grade, was the one that wasn’t particularly excited to be there, but wasn’t dreading it either. They usually sat in the middle, on the edge of a table, patiently examining each body that came through the door.

  That’s where I sat now. Middle left, outer seat. A couple came in, obviously insta-partners, and sat behind me. A tall dude, half awake, half asleep, stumbled in and stopped at my table. With a quick shake of my head, he shrugged and sat across from me. The students continued to pour in, none fitting my mind’s description of the perfect partner. The first biology class I’d taken had ended disastrously. The girl I ended up with as a partner was squeamish, and apparently passed out looking at photos of body innards. She wouldn’t touch any of the experiments in fear she would “blow her head off,” and incessantly talked about the sorority she was rushing for. A part of me wanted to demand her to miss lab, let me do it myself, while a smaller part of me wished she would mess up some sort of experiment, though I knew she wouldn’t blow anything off. It was biology, not chemistry.

  I was constantly surrounded by idiots.

  The TA rushed in, dropping the pen laying on top of his papers as he addressed the class. “Welcome to bio lab 202,” he said, holding up a piece of paper, “here is the seating chart and partner set up.”

  The class jointly groaned at this announcement. There went all of my plans.

  “Please, everyone stand and line against the wall here,” he instructed, pointing to the right side of the classroom. �
��If your last name begins with A-K, come forward and find where you’re meant to go.”

  I got in line, silently cursing him for making this important decision. My only hope was I got the kind of partner I wished for and not another pass-out-at-seeing-intestines chick. The people in front of me were slow, taking their sweet time. How hard was it to find your damned name?

  Finally my turn, I found I was placed at the table across from my original place. My partner was a girl named Korah Daniels, but as I trudged to the table, I saw it was empty. Great, she was one of those students who didn’t bother with coming to class because it was beneath them.

  This was going to be the longest semester in the history of semesters.

  The students continued to file in and I aimlessly scribbled in my notebook. This TA was an ignoramus who apparently thought this was going to make him look better, get a better grade, or something. It pissed me off. The chair beside me scraped across the floor, startling me from my angry thoughts, and I lay my pen down. Turning, I felt the world stop spinning. My breath hitched in my throat, calmly killing me by strangulation. My heart sped up, thumping so loudly in my ears that I couldn’t hear anything else.

  She didn’t look at me, her body turned and bent to reach in her backpack. Her long, almost ebony tresses lay around her like a sea of soft curls. I hadn’t seen her face, but I knew it was her. The faint scent of vanilla and apples wafted toward me, reminding me to breathe. She finally situated herself, her demeanor much like in the store. Shy, standoffish, hesitant.

  She finally peered at me, her mile long lashes brushing her cheek as she blinked, giving me a weak smile.

  Angel Eyes was my biology lab partner.

  And her name was Korah.

  Chapter Two-Korah

  He was staring at me. Watching my every move. Maybe I was being paranoid, but the undeniable crushing feeling on my chest told me otherwise. Why did I have to get a lab partner that was a creeper? Why did every single male in my life have to have some sort of psychotic diagnosis undetected? Once, just once, could I not have a normal interaction with a normal male specimen?

  “You need to exchange contact information with your bio partner. There will be one assignment near the end of the semester that will require out of classroom work, together,” he stressed, his eyes roaming over the tables, trying hard to look like a rough and tough teacher, but appearing more like a lost little boy.

  Shifting my eyes, I saw the mysterious, handsome boy shaking his leg and stealing glances at me. He was tall and good looking with a thick air of confidence surrounding him. I already dreaded this semester.

  I scribbled down my name, email, and phone number, sliding it over to him. He did the same, turning the edge of his lips in a sexy half smile. It looked familiar, but weren’t they all the same? The playboys who desperately tried to charm their way into any girl’s pants. Who veiled their desires with smiles and compliments, coating words so sweetly that women just couldn’t resist a bite, or two. After all my run ins with these types of men, I could easily detect their kind now. Whether it was from a cocky eyebrow raise, or the sexy half grin this guy gave. They always gave themselves away. It was only a matter of time. Luckily, this one exuded it from his pores. Unfortunately, I was stuck with him for the semester.

  Scanning the paper, I saw his name was Dane. Interesting name. His handwriting was scratchy and small, showing he didn’t have a care in the world. I didn’t really know if that was true, but it was what I decided it meant, so it did.

  “Hi, Korah,” he said, a hauntingly recognizable voice sang in my ear. He was close enough to smell, his cologne engulfing me and drawing me in.

  “Dane,” I said with a slight nod, turning back to my notes. The TA was passing out our schedule for the semester, and though I wasn’t that interested in it, I wanted him to think so.

  “Are you excited for this class?” he asked, obviously not getting the hint.

  Sadly, he wasn’t as smart as he was pretty. Sighing, I lay my pen down, uneasily shifting in my seat. “Not particularly. It’s required, though, so what can I do? It’s either get it over with or do it later. I’d prefer the former.”

  He studied me so intently I could almost see the wheels turning in that attractive head of his. Why are you thinking about how attractive he is? Inwardly kicking myself, I directed my attention back to our syllabus, trying my best to look oh-so-busy with reading it.

  “You’re intense,” he murmured, running a hand through his silky hair.

  It was messy, but not in an “I didn’t care way,” but more in an “I know this is sexy and do it purposely” kind of way. He seemed nervous, not as carefree as he was before we spoke. It was impossible. I didn’t make men nervous; it was the other way around. “Not really,” I replied lamely. I needed to say something, anything.

  “Hopefully it’ll be a fun semester,” he shrugged, facing front and promptly ignoring me.

  Just like that, all emotion he held was gone. Forgotten were his jumpy movements and shy eyes, replaced with a brooding, frigid exterior. My heart hammered beneath my breast as I contemplated what I did wrong. Men talked about women’s mood swings, but I’d never encountered a woman as moody as most men I’d come in contact with. They ran hot and cold, seemingly changing their minds in a split second, and for no apparent reason.

  Men drove me insane. Exactly why I was finished with them all.


  Elle lay tucked under my arm, the covers snuggled around us both as I relaxed before bed. My wet hair sprawled around my pillow, chilling me to the bone, but I didn’t want to bother with a blow dryer. My sleeping habits were troubled since that fateful night in October. I’d acted without qualm, allowing my desires to lead my behavior. It was shameful, really, and that was why no one knew. Only me and the masked Zorro.

  Leela’d known something was up when I’d come running to find her, begging her to leave instantly. I may have shed a tear or two. I knew he’d follow, probably wanting to progress our encounter to the next stage, so time was of the essence. Leela, being my very best friend, left with no questions asked. She was even looking extremely cozy with a half-naked toga boy, but even he didn’t stop her.

  She truly was like a sister.

  Even now, some three months later, she didn’t know of my indiscretion. My dastardly meeting with the seductive Zorro. I should tell her, I knew, but embarrassment consumed me. I wasn’t one to act without thinking and that was exactly what I’d done. Hormones drove me to his room, allowing me to lose myself with him. I hadn’t gotten that far since Christopher. If I hadn’t left when I did…I was scare to think of how far I would have gone.

  Squeezing Elle tighter to me, I buried my face into the cuddly animal. She brought comfort when I was younger, fighting off bad dreams, and now she did the same, only she helped me fight off reality. A light rap at my door had me rushing to hide Elle below my blankets.

  Leela peeked in, “You awake?” she whispered.

  “Yeah,” I said, sitting up. “Come in,” I smiled, patting the bed beside me, opposite of where Elle hid snug.

  She sunk in beside me, giving me a quizzical stare. “Are you ok, Korah?” Her left hand found my arm, embracing me slightly. “You’re acting like you did when…you know.”

  Her concern gripped my heart. I had to tell her. “I have a confession, Lee.”

  Her eyes widened, but she didn’t say anything. She nudged me, granting me a soft beam.

  I opened my mouth to speak when my phone dinged. I held up a finger, signaling one second, and checked to see who was texting.

  -Would you like to meet before next week’s class to go over the assignment? Dane

  I stared at the phone for so long I forgot Leela was sitting beside me.

  “Who is it?” she inquired.

  I threw the phone down at the end of the bed, not replying to Dane’s question. Turning my attention back to my best friend, I told her. “My new bio lab partner, Dane. He’s one of those cocky guys who runs
hot and cold within seconds of meeting him.” I rolled my eyes for extra effect.

  “Ooooh,” she smirked, “So, he’s totally hot?”

  “Pretty much,” I giggled. “Not my type, though.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she chided with a wave of her hand. “Tell me what you have to confess.”

  Exhaling, I started with my story. “Remember my feet being hurt at the Halloween party? And that Zorro guy coming to help me?”

  She nodded, but didn’t speak, so I continued.

  “Well, he fixed my feet up…then…we….well,” I paused, my voice not finding the words it needed.

  “Oh my gosh, did you sex him?” she exclaimed.

  “No!” I shouted, shaking my head furiously. “Definitely not.” I stared at her for a long time, then admitted, “We may have done other stuff, though.”

  “What…stuff?” She was excited, her body buzzing beside me.