Devlin's Descendant Read online

Page 4

  “You may have wondered why I don’t have my heart mate by my side,” she started. Her demeanor changed from the confident woman I knew to one that exuded insecurity. “I was a bit rebellious as a younger sorceress. In fact, Sadie, you remind me of myself quite a bit. I refused to believe my life would depend on another for no reason except that I loved them. So…I closed myself off. I…” she scrunched her face as she thought hard for her words, “Dated many men. I eventually came to care for Spencer’s father, but I denied any proposals from him. When I became pregnant, I hid away, not letting him know. I never actually found my heart mate because I was so stubborn. The council found out about my thoughts and feelings on the heart mate business and wanted to speak with me, help me find my mate. I refused them as well.”

  Sadie gaped at her while I couldn’t quite get my head to wrap around the fact my grandmother just told us she slept around in her younger years. Before any of us could speak, there was a sharp knock at the door. Mom stuck her head in, her eyes searching until they fell on Livvie.

  “Olivia, dear, there is a young lady here for you with two gentlemen. I think it’s best you all come in here immediately,” she instructed, leaving the door open for us to follow her.

  “Two?” Livvie questioned out loud in wonder.

  Sadie grew pale, “You don’t think…”

  “Let’s go,” Grandma ordered, charging ahead.

  We rushed out. Juniper stood just inside the foyer with Mark by her side, Aiden propped between the two of them. He looked weak, distraught.

  Livvie’s voice rang out, “Aiden!” She ran forward, inspecting his face for injuries, then gave him a quick hug.

  The jealousy sparked in my chest, but I refused to let it take over. She was my heart mate. No one could change that, not even him. “What happened?” I questioned.

  Livvie turned to me, awe and surprise in her eyes. She smiled, mouthing thank you, then turned her attention back to Aiden.

  “It’s your brother, dude,” he choked out. He seemed to be struggling to breathe.

  “Are you ok?” Sadie asked behind me.

  “I just…fell…I don’t know what he did. He’s got that spirit in him,” he struggled to speak.

  We all glanced around in alarm. Sebastian was housing The Crimson Calamitous in his body. And if I had to guess, it was willingly. The unease settled in the room like an unwelcome guest.

  Finally catching his breath, he stared at Livvie, then gazed at each of us. “He dropped me off in Juniper’s back yard. He sent me back because he plans to take my body again, but he wanted you all to know so we’d be scared or something. I have no idea where he had me this time, but it was a little white room. He said…” he paused, giving Sadie and me a sad look. “He would be able to anticipate your moves since he’s one of you,” he mimicked, using air quotes.

  Sadie clutched her stomach, my mother weeped, and Grandma just looked miserable. I watched Aiden for a long time, knowing he was speaking the truth and willing myself to not take out my anger on him. Finally, I sighed, closed my eyes, and counted to ten.

  “Aiden, would you like something to drink? Are you hungry? Let’s go in here and get you something. You look weak,” I offered, to the surprise of what appeared everyone in the room.

  He was obviously confused, from his awkward stance to his furrowed brows, but he shrugged and nodded, following me into the kitchen.


  I watched Scott leave. He moved swiftly, though cautiously, through the house. He was playing nice with Aiden and I had no idea why. His suggestion and offer for food was surprising. Sadie and I exchanged dumfounded glances, but I didn’t follow. I moved to J’s side and she swept me in a giant hug.

  “What’s wrong?” she questioned.

  Overhearing Scott and Sadie’s conversation with Anna wasn’t intentional. Not in the least…but I think it was fate. I needed to know that it was me, that I was the descendant. It hurt deep down in my soul to know that someone in my blood line had caused this terror for their family. To think I had the same blood in my veins…I shivered at the thought. What would we do? How were we going to survive this? No…how was I going to survive this. I fell in love with Scott. Apparently we were heart mates which meant one couldn’t live without the other. The curse on his family said if we met before I was seventeen and a half, I would die on my eighteenth birthday. There was a way around the curse, killing the descendant of the sorcerer who cast the original curse…only I was the descendant. Either way, it appeared I was meant to die.

  “Olivia,” Juniper said sharply.

  Focusing my eyes, I peered at her. “I’m the descendant,” I muttered.

  Her eyes tried to pop right out of her head. Mark drew a deep breath, visibly shaken by the news. She opened her mouth a few times, reminding me of a fish when you would peck on the side of a tank, but didn’t say anything. She had no words. I didn’t think any of us did.

  “Liv…we will figure this out,” Mark assured me in his gentlest voice.

  “How?” I snapped. I didn’t mean to take it out on him, but it was all too much. I was doomed. “I’m the descendant. They can’t break the curse unless they kill me. Either way, I’m a goner.”

  Juniper’s hands gripped my upper arms. She squeezed me tighter than I think she realized, but the pain was welcomed. It helped me forget the matters at hand. “Listen to me,” she barked. “You are not dying. I don’t care what any damn curse says, you are not dying. You are my best friend, my sister. I won’t lose you.”

  “Maybe they could bring you back like they did Juniper,” Mark suggested.

  “I don’t want to be that. I’m finding all of these cool things I can do and then I’ll lose them all? It’s not fair. I wish I could just kill Devlin myself,” I muttered. I was pissed.

  Sadie joined our close proximity, her eyes wide, a smile forming on her face. “Maybe that would fix it.”

  “What?” I asked suspiciously. I really hoped she didn’t want to kill me.

  “Devlin. Maybe you have to find him to break it once and for all,” she explained slowly. She gave me a look that said it should be obvious what she was talking about.

  “I have to kill a sorcerer that’s exactly how old? And after I’ve only had my powers for a few months? I don’t think so, Sadie.”

  “I do. I’ll be back.” She sauntered off in the direction of the library.

  I rolled my eyes at Juniper. I wouldn’t…couldn’t, kill someone. Not unless it was a direct attack like at the dance. The situations were different…one was in self-defense, and to protect the ones I loved dearly, but to go in unannounced to kill someone that was in some weird way a part of my family? It was messed up. I would need years of therapy to deal with it and I highly doubted there was a sorcerer therapist around.


  I scoured the books to find a solution, though I knew deep down Olivia had already found it. I don’t know how she knew, but she just did. Grandma was explaining everything to the rest of the family, so I was on my own for a while. I didn’t hear the door open or the shoes behind me. Immersing myself in the book, I jumped in surprise when Aiden’s head peeked over my shoulder. His hair smelled clean and a few drops of water fell on my neck. He was close, too close for my comfort. Skirting away, I gave him a glare. “What do you want?”

  “I came to see what you’re working on,” he grinned. His face lit up when he smiled…I hated it.

  “I’m looking up some information.”

  “Can I help?” he pleaded.


  He shrugged. His shirt was tight, showing a defined rip in his arm muscles. He wasn’t a body builder or anything, but he definitely was attractive. His blue eyes looked even bluer under the many lights of the room. His dark hair was messy and I longed to run my hands through it. What was wrong with me? I thought.

  “I don’t really need any help,” I assured him, in a slightly nicer tone. I didn’t want to be mean, but I didn’t want to get too close, eithe
r. “I’m just trying to find a solution to the Liv situation.”

  He cocked his head curiously, eyes widening, “What Liv situation?”

  “No one told you?”

  He shook his head. “Told me what?”

  Crap. I did not want to be the one to break this news to him. “You know how the family has a curse on it?” I started.

  He nodded, waving his hand for me to go on.

  “Well…we can break it by killing a descendant. She happens to be the descendant.”

  “What?” he shouted, his eyes bulging. “She can’t be, that’s impossible.”

  “No, it’s not. Her father is a sorcerer. He came from the same bloodline as Devlin. So they’re related,” I explained sadly. It killed me to know this about her. To think of how she felt…. In a way, I knew how it was to have a bad seed because we had Sebastian.

  “So what are you trying to find?” he asked, his voice a little calmer.

  “A solution. I think if she kills Devlin the curse will be broken for good, but I need solid proof. No one is going to let her go blindly. I don’t know if she’ll go either way, honestly,” I mumbled.

  “She’s too nice. She won’t want to hurt anyone,” he agreed, running his fingers through his silky looking hair.

  “I know. When she hurt...well, you…it was a life and death matter. I don’t want it to get to that again.” I nervously twisted the end of my hair around my pointer finger. Nervous wasn’t even close to describing how I felt in this moment.

  “I’ll help you, Sadie,” he urged. “Let me. I can look through books, too. She saved me, I can’t let anything happen to her.”

  I gazed into his eyes, willing myself to not get lost, and nodded. A little help would be nice. Scott would be too busy freaking out to do anything and Grandma had enough on her as it was. I nodded again, convincing myself it was what I needed to do.


  We looked through books the rest of the afternoon. No one interrupted us which I found odd, but I wasn’t questioning it. Neither of us found what we were looking for, but the library went on and on, so I knew it could take days, if not weeks, to find our answer. Sadie rested her head on her arm, aimlessly flipping pages when I finally stood, stretched, and suggested we stop.

  “We have to find an answer,” she whimpered.

  It was dark out, who knew how long we’d be in this room. “Come on, Sadie. We need to get food. We can search more tomorrow.”

  “We all have school tomorrow,” she yawned.

  “I’m not going back. I’m not allowing the spirit to take me over there and have all those people in danger. I can’t do it.”

  She gaped at me, her chocolaty eyes melting me into a puddle. I wondered if she knew how beautiful she was. “Really?”

  I nodded.

  “Ok,” she shrugged. “Let’s go eat.”


  Olivia sat on the couch in front of me, her hair twirled in a mess on the top of her head. She wore her pajamas, a loose fitting tee and leopard printed pants. “Tell me again what happened,” she demanded.

  I shook my head at her, smiling slightly, “I don’t want to. I’ve told you three times.”

  “Tell me what happened when he took you,” she whispered. She chewed aimlessly on her bottom lip, her hands twisting back and forth in knots.

  “I heard you scream,” I said. “It was awful. I thought…he was you. I ran outside after I kissed you, and I realized instantly it was a mistake, Olivia. I really hope you’ll forgive me. I just…” I paused, running my hand through my hair, “I don’t know. I feel connected to you because of what we went through together, but I know now it wasn’t what I thought. Don’t get me wrong, you are beautiful, but I see what you and Scott have and I respect that. I shouldn’t have pushed you…shouldn’t have kissed you,” I swallowed hard.

  “It’s ok. I know we’re connected, but I do love him. It’s…I don’t know how to describe it. When I look at him, my heart is happy. I feel whole. My soul sings. It’s a wonderful feeling. I don’t want to ruin that,” she said. Her face lit in the glow of her love for Scott. I was jealous, not because I wanted her, but because I wanted that feeling. I missed out on so much being The Crimson Calamitous’s vessel.

  “I can see it on your face. And I’m happy for you, Olivia. I really am. I just screwed up. I’m sorry,” I offered.

  She smiled widely, reaching over to give me a hug, “I forgive you, Aiden.”

  I grinned excitedly as Mark and Juniper walked in. “Hey, guys.”

  “Hey, I’m here to take Liv. We’re having a sleepover with Sadie during our stay,” Juniper sang out. She was so full of energy. It wore me out trying to keep up with her.

  “Mark, you in here with me?” I questioned, nodding to the pillows and blankets surrounding me in the room.

  “Yep, I think it’s just us, though. Scott and his brother, Santos, have a room here.”

  “Fine with me. I’m not a fan of pillow fights and nail polish,” I joked.

  Mark laughed loudly and Juniper and Olivia both grabbed the closest pillows and threw them at my head. I ducked just in time, but reached up and caught them in my fingers.

  “How did you do that?” Olivia gaped.

  I shrugged, laughing. “No idea, but it was cool!” I exclaimed.

  We continued to laugh, until the girls left to settle in for the night. I lay down, though I felt restless. I dreaded sleeping. I didn’t know when Sebastian was coming after me, and it killed me but he was right, I was scared. I didn’t want him to hurt any of these people I’d grown to care about. They knew me from when I was inhabited by an evil spirit but they still welcomed me with open arms when I was released. I couldn’t let him harm them. I knew they were powerful beings, but I felt it deep down that this evil spirit was much more powerful. I discarded my shirt, relaxed back on the couch, and fell into a nightmarish sleep.


  No one knew I was outside the living room earlier. I was on my way to join Livvie and Aiden in their discussion, but I stopped when I heard them talking. It was wrong, I knew, but I couldn’t help myself. He’d kissed her right before he was taken, and she hadn’t told me. My heart was exploding with pain, despair. Why would she lie to me? Why keep it a secret if she truly loved me? I’d walked off shortly after, going out to Grandma’s garden to get fresh air. I walked around in a daze, not knowing what time it was or caring if anyone missed me. I was hurting. I needed details of what happened, and I needed them soon.

  When I noticed all the lights out, I finally made my way inside, joining Santos in our guest room. He’d known something was going on the second I walked in the door.

  “Scott?” he questioned.

  “Yeah,” I mumbled, discarding my clothes and pulling on a pair of comfy shorts.

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing. I just can’t believe Sebastian,” I lied.

  His head hung and I knew I’d said the wrong thing. “I know, man. I don’t know what’s gotten into him. How can he do this to us?” he choked out. A silent tear rolled down his face, but I ignored it.

  “I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out. Maybe there is still hope for him. Perhaps it was just a spell or something,” I hoped. We both knew he was just a bad egg, but neither of us could admit that.

  “Yeah, I guess. What’s really bothering you?” he questioned again.

  “You know me too well, “ I chuckled. “Olivia and Aiden kissed, but she didn’t tell me about it. I heard him talking about how it was a mistake and apologizing.”

  “They kissed? Ouch.”

  I nodded and grunted in agreement.

  “If he was apologizing it sounds like she didn’t want it,” he pointed out. “I know you’ve got to be pissed off, but take it easy on her. Maybe she just didn’t want to make a big deal out of nothing.”

  Sitting on the side of the bed, I put my head in my hands, and stared at my feet. He had a point, though I wasn’t sure now was the time to admit it. I was sti
ll hurting. I knew my jealousy probably had something to do with her not telling me. I’d acted like a caveman for a month or more, and for no reason other than my insecurities when it came to her. I knew she was mine. I felt it in my soul, but something about her close connection with Aiden irked me.

  “Yeah,” I agreed with him. I lay back, fluffing the pillows gently before turning out the light. I would talk to her tomorrow, but I would be calm and let her know that I wasn’t mad. I would keep my cool. I repeated it over and over to myself until I drifted off to sleep.


  “What’s up with Scott?” Juniper inquired as she brushed my hair before we went to sleep.

  We were all crammed into Sadie’s spare room, one that looked like it belonged to a twelve year old instead of a teenager. She’d explained no one updated the décor, but I could tell she was embarrassed about it. The whole room was light pink, the bed housing ruffles around the edges. A few stuffed animals were placed here or there. White dressers and tables were strategically placed between the bigger furniture. It didn’t feel like Sadie at all.

  “I don’t know,” I admitted. “He was acting weird, right?’

  Sadie nodded her head eagerly, “Very. He invited Aiden in there and fed him.”

  J and I exchanged looks with her, then we all broke out in laughter. Sadie fell back on her bed, her eyes growing watery from how hard she was laughing. Juniper and I couldn’t stop giggling at how funny Sadie found her comment. It was one of those situations where the laughter was contagious and everyone laughed about something that wasn’t even that funny to begin with.

  “Yes, he did,” I finally snorted out, wiping the edges of my eyes. “It wasn’t normal Scott behavior.”

  Sadie finally gained control of herself, sitting up and crossing her legs under her. “I thought your eyes were going to pop right out of your head. Seriously, you were as shocked as I was. And Aiden…he’s just all ok, let’s go,” she mocked. “After everything him and Scott have been through, he wasn’t even questioning it!”