Intoxicating Passion Box Set Page 12
Shaking with anger, I turned quickly, pushing him away from me. “Shut your damned mouth about her. You aren’t getting anywhere near her.”
He snarled, “Oh, yeah. I will. I’ll really enjoy sinking into her, having her call my name. I’ll bet she’ll enjoy me more than she does you.”
I reacted before I could think. I shoved him as hard as I could. The bannister cracked against his weight and split. We were more than half way up the stairs, so his fall wasn’t too long, but unexpected. He flung his arms out, reaching for help, but I let him go. He yelled as he flew through the air and landed with a loud thump and a groan. Cale came running, screaming my name as he appeared. His mouth fell open when he saw the broken wood and heard Jack below.
“What happened?” he asked, stopping beside me.
“He was talking shit about Korah.” I didn’t feel sorrow over him, I didn’t care if he was hurt. I heard the brothers down there calling an ambulance and helping him up, but none of it resonated with me. He talked badly about Korah and I reacted.
Probably not in the best way.
“Dane, he’ll probably press charges,” Cale hissed in my ear.
I shrugged, watching the scene below unfold. He whimpered and whined, in true Jack fashion, always wanting someone to feel sorry for him.
I hoped he broke his arm. And his leg. Maybe his head.
“Dane, you can’t just be nonchalant about this. It’s serious. Leela told me you’re in trouble with that asshat that hurt Korah already. You don’t need more legal issues.”
He had a point, of course, because Cale was always reasonable. “I’ll get a lawyer.”
He sighed beside me. “Alright. You might wanna at least go check on his sorry ass so you don’t look like it was intentional.” He gave me a pointed look like a pissed off Dad telling me to go clean my room.
I locked my jaw and nodded, racing down the steps two at a time. Did I want to check on him, or worse, apologize? No way. My desire to not go to jail won over my pride. I stood a few feet away from the group, hands deep in pockets and watched the girls that were in the house fawn all over him.
I bet he enjoyed that. The only action he’d get this year, probably.
“You ok, Jack?” I called over. I tried my damnedest to sound concerned about his wellbeing.
I was pretty sure I failed.
He growled from the chair he was slumped in, giving me an evil glare. “Seriously? You pushed me.”
His statement earned surprised gasps from the ever growing crowd. I heard Cale clear his throat behind me and knew I needed to make this right.
“I didn’t mean to make you fall. You were getting in my face, Jack. You need to remember the whole story,” I said through clenched teeth. Staying calm was difficult, if not impossible at this point. I felt my heart beating faster and imagined my blood pressure skyrocketing.
“No, you got pissed about some chick and you pushed me and kept pushing me until the bannister broke.” His eyes narrowed and while everyone stared at me, he gave me a wink.
I wanted to crush his face.
Cale grabbed my arm, holding me back, and answered jackass Jack. “I was listening while I got dressed. Jack, you were taunting him about Korah and kept on until he reacted. I don’t think for one minute he pushed you over on purpose.”
A brother standing near, Dave, asked, “Did you see anything, Cale?”
“No, I ran in as he was falling but I couldn’t get to him quick enough.”
“So no one knows for sure. Dane says he taunted him, but Jack is sitting here with injuries—probably a broken arm. Seems a little iffy to me,” Dave said, giving me a once over. His eyes judged and chided me, making me feel lower than low.
“I wouldn’t do that to anyone, even someone as mean as Jack. It was an accident. This house is old, the wood was probably weak. The stairs squeak for God’s sake! Come on,” I yelled.
“See, he has an anger problem!” Jack exclaimed, holding his arm across his chest and his leg with the free hand.
The ambulance pulled up about the time everyone turned to glare at me again. The EMT’s loaded Jack up as he went on and on about how much pain he was in. Everyone seemed to fall for his act as he was wheeled away. The cop car outside waited until the ambulance left before parking in front of the house.
“I told you,” Cale hissed. He patted me on the back, and stepped a few feet away, arms crossed and legs spread. He looked ready to fight.
A police officer came to the open door, knocking once. “Is there a Dane Davidson in this residence?”
Everyone pointed to me. I stepped forward, knowing nothing good was going to come of this interaction. “I’m Dane, Sir. How can I help you?”
“I need to ask you a few questions about Jack Smith’s accident. Before we start, is there anyone else in this room that was around when this incident happened?”
Cale stepped forward, “I didn’t see anything, but I overhead the conversation before.”
The officer nodded. “Ok, I’ll need you both to come down to the station to give statements,” he said, addressing us. He glanced at the rest of the room, “The rest of you can go about your business now.”
They took some pictures and jotted down some notes. Cale and I weren’t required to ride with the officers, but we were needed today. We followed them as they left, both praying Jack didn’t press charges on me.
I couldn’t believe I’d gotten so angry over him talking about Korah. What was happening to me?
Chapter Six-Korah
“I hate shopping,” I groaned to Leela.
“I know, but you need to get out some. You’re able to speak again and you’ve been holed up too much. I won’t let anything happen, Korah,” she said, her eyes kind and gentle, but her voice held a fierceness that I trusted. She wouldn’t let Christopher get to me if he showed up.
“I know,” I sighed. Admitting my fear was defeat. I couldn’t let him win. I wouldn’t.
“Do you want to talk about everything?” she asked quietly.
We were in the car, she was driving, and we slowly made our way to the mall. We were headed out of town, I was too afraid to shop in our city, so we had a bit of a drive ahead of us. As soon as she’d pulled me along with her, I’d known she would want to talk.
“I don’t know, Lee. I feel helpless.”
She nodded, keeping her eyes on the road. “You know, I’ve never been in an abusive relationship, but I would imagine it’s easy to feel that way. Seeing you that way was devastating, Korah,” she sniffled. “I know we haven’t had much time to talk and I’m sorry. You seemed so happy with Dane, I didn’t want to mess it up. And I didn’t want to have this conversation while you were without a voice. I really think talking about it may help. I want you to know I’m here for you.”
I reached over, placing my hand on her arm and squeezing. “I know you are, Leela. I’m so sorry you saw me like that. I had no idea Christopher was following me Valentine’s night, but I should have seen the signs. I’m so glad Dane came as quickly as he did. I think he would have killed me,” I whispered.
Admitting it was harder than I imagined. I’d thought it many times over the past few weeks, but refused to speak about it. I knew she must have thought the same, as well as Dane. Knowing I could have died that night was terrifying. It played over in my mind every day, teasing me with the memory of his hands gripping my neck, the gleam of joy in his eyes.
A few tears escaped Leela’s eyes and she brushed them away. “I don’t know what I would do without you. You really are my best friend, Korah. I couldn’t imagine life without you.”
“I love you, too, Leela,” I said through my own tears. “I have an idea. I don’t like feeling helpless. Would you want to take a self-defense class with me?”
She nodded quickly. “That’s a great idea! Why didn’t I think of that? We should totally start that this week. As soon as possible. And oh my gosh, we can buy outfits for it today.” The excitement mounted the more she spoke
and I even got a little giddy.
Being able to defend myself was a small feat. I didn’t imagine the terror that accompanied being attacked would ever go away, but maybe, just maybe, if I knew some self-defense moves, I would be able to help myself somehow. Perhaps I would be more confident.
Christopher wouldn’t win.
“So, it’s settled. We’re setting that up today,” she said. “Now, on to the boy. Details.”
I giggled, “There’s nothing to tell.”
“Oh, come on. I’ve heard you in there being all sexy,” she admitted, raising her brows as she glanced at me quickly.
My face grew red with embarrassment. “You heard us?”
She laughed loudly and gripped the wheel. “No! But now you’ve admitted it so you have to tell me.”
My mouth fell open as I stared at her. “You tricked me. Not cool.”
She smirked and shrugged, ushering me forward with her hand.
“Ok, ok. Yeah, we did it again. He’s good. He’s hot. I don’t know what to do. I like him.” And I did. A lot. More than I should. I issued my dare for him to prove himself, but the night he rescued me pretty much did that for me. I probably wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for him. I owed him my life.
“I think you more than like him,” Leela probed.
Did I care about him enough to love him? He made my heart flutter and my stomach dance, but was it love? My only taste of the emotion was with Christopher, but I now know that wasn’t love. It was infatuation turned wrong. Could I allow myself to care that deeply about someone again? Especially someone who openly admitted his faults and fear of feelings. “I don’t know,” I admitted.
“Not all relationships are like what you had with Christopher. I wouldn’t even call that a relationship. He was controlling you, taking advantage. It was so wrong. I really hate him,” she growled.
“Me, too,” I agreed. “What’s up with you and Cale? He seems to be texting you all day in class.”
Her face grew brighter, her grin wistful and dreamy. “I don’t know. We’re getting to know each other.”
“Getting to know each other…personality wise or you’ve gotten naked?” I questioned.
She gasped, slapping at me. “Korah, I can’t believe you said that!” she exclaimed. “No, we have not gotten naked. My gosh. He hasn’t even kissed me. Makes me think he’s not interested.”
“Maybe he’s scared,” I offered. What did I know about men? My ex was an abuser trying to kill me and my new, maybe guy was afraid of his own shadow. I wasn’t the girl to ask.
She countered, “Maybe he’s not interested in me that way.”
“Lee, I saw the way he was dazed after seeing you the first time. That’s interest. Not all guys want to get in your pants right away. Perhaps he’s a gentleman.”
She shrugged. “I dunno. He hasn’t asked me out yet either.”
“That’s my fault, though,” I offered. “You both have been looking out and taking care of me. I’m sorry.”
She pulled into a parking lot, changing gears so she could look at me. “Don’t. You are my friend, my sister, and I’m here for you no matter what. I don’t think it’s your fault and I’ve not been taking care of you 24/7. Cale…I don’t know. He’s different. Please don’t beat yourself up over it.”
Teary eyed, I agreed. I felt as though everyone’s lives had stopped for mine. I despised all the attention my abuse gained me. I wanted to go back to being Korah with awesome friends and no bruises. Korah who kept to herself, silently watching crowds to later write about. Korah who wasn’t afraid of stepping out the bolted door.
“Now, let’s go, we’re almost there.”
Satisfied we her point was made, she pulled back onto the road. The rest of the drive was mostly silent. She was upset I felt that way, I was attempting to hide the fact it still bugged me. The closer we got to civilization, the more my anxiety kicked in. Being around groups of people stressed me out. Every outing consisted of me looking over my shoulder, constantly scanning my surroundings for something out of the ordinary. I wouldn’t allow myself to be caught off guard again, to be vulnerable to Christopher again.
“I’ll help keep you safe,” Leela promised as she found us a parking spot. “I have mace and I’m carrying my pocket knife.”
I couldn’t stop the laughter from escaping. “What are you going to do with a pocket knife?”
“I will stab that bastard in the balls if I have to, he’s not hurting you again,” she vowed.
I imagined her, sweet little Leela who hated blood, stabbing Christopher anywhere on his body and lost myself in a fit of laughter again. I knew she would do it if needed, but the thought made me giggle. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. And I’m serious. He won’t know what hit him if he shows up anytime when I’m with you. Or if Dane’s with you, though, I think he’d kill him if he hurt you again.”
I glanced at her, “He was really mad, wasn’t he?”
She snorted. “Uh, yeah. He was pissed. Gained a bit of respect from me.”
I smiled, happy she somewhat approved. “Good.”
Her phone chimed from the dash and she snatched it up with a gleeful squeal.
“Cale?” I guessed.
She nodded enthusiastically and began reading. I watched her emotions go from ecstatic to worrisome to scared. She glanced at me before typing out a long message.
Something was wrong.
“Well? What happened? Did he say something mean to you?” I quizzed. I couldn’t imagine Cale being mean to her, but again, what did I know about men.
She shook her head. “No. Um, Dane’s in trouble. There’s this guy in their frat house, Jack, has he told you about him?”
“No, now tell me why he’s in trouble.”
Sighing, she launched into her story. “Jack is a little bitch as Cale would say. Him and Dane don’t get along. He apparently said some stuff today to piss Dane off and long story short, he fell from the bannister and broke his arm.”
I gasped, “What?”
“He’s saying Dane pushed him.”
Oh, shit. “He’s pressing charges.”
She nodded. “They’re at the police station now giving their statements and the officer from the hospital came back and told Dane.”
“I guess we need to go,” I said, snapping my seatbelt back on.
“Agreed.” She situated her belongings and peeled out of the parking lot.
I couldn’t handle the thought of Dane being in more trouble. He was already going to be in trouble because of Christopher. The thought was terrifying, making me realize I did indeed care about Dane Davidson more than I wanted to admit.
Unexpected Consequences
Intoxicating Passion #5
By Felicia Tatum
Chapter One-Korah
Dane spent the night in jail.
The guy with a broken arm, Jack or something, originally pressed charges. Leela and I arrived as Cale called to say Dane was being kept overnight. I wasn’t sure what exactly happened, but Cale talked to Jack and he dropped the charges by the next morning. Dane was a mess, unshaven and pissed off when I tried to see him. His anger at Jack surfaced and exploded all around us. Leela and I left before I spoke to him.
Lying in bed, snuggled close with Elle, I watched the sunrise outside my window. The brilliant colors painted the sky as the minutes passed, each stroke of sunlight giving me hope for a better day. Every morning, every hour, and every minute were the start of the new beginning. A better life, day, relationship, or even mood, were seconds away, barely out of reach.
The rational part of me knew Dane was embarrassed and didn’t want me seeing him like that. The other emotional part of me was hurt he treated me that way. I, Korah Daniels, wasn’t going to sit around feeling sorry for myself because a boy was mean to me yet again. The day was new and full of potential. I stumbled around as I got ready, hoping Leela would be game for my crazy idea. I showered, dressed, and even made breakfast for us bef
ore I decided to wake her up.
Standing outside her door, I knocked once and peeled it open. To my surprise, Leela wasn’t alone. I heard her gasp as Cale hurried to cover himself. I flung my hands to my eyes and screamed sorry before slamming the door closed. My face warmed as heat spread, embarrassment flooding my body. When Leela and I got home, we went our separate ways, and I never heard the door open again. Seeing Cale naked beside my best friend was a shock.
Once I was safely in my room, I closed the door and hid in my bed. Awkward situations were uncomfortable and made me feel bad. Leela and I always came and went from each other’s rooms freely, but it was clear we needed to revise the policy.
Not 10 minutes later, there was a knock at my door. “Sorry!” I called again, burying my head under the pillow.
“Cale left, can I come in?” Leela said as she turned the knob. “Korah?”
I peeked through the bedding, giving her my best apologetic expression. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t hear him come by last night. In fact, I didn’t know you two have gotten to that level…”
Her eyes brightened and she gave a coy smirk. “Last night was the first time,” she squealed.
I unburied myself and patted the spot in front of me. “Sit,” I demanded. “Tell me all the details.”
“It was amazing, Korah. I’ve never…,” She paused, fiddling with her hands.
“You never what? I know you aren’t a virgin,” I giggled.
“Duh,” she chuckled. “I don’t know how to explain it. He was so attentive, kind. It wasn’t only sex… It was so much more.”
I smiled, nodding my understanding. “You made love.”
She gave a little grin, tucking her blond locks behind her ear. “I guess so,” she sighed whimsically. Focusing her attention back on me, she asked, “Have you and Dane, you know… Made love?”
I sighed, crossing my legs and sitting on my hands. “I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like maybe we have, the other times I don’t know what he wants from me. He hasn’t even spoken to me since we saw him yesterday.” Sadness seeped from me. Dane got to me more than I wanted to admit.