Intoxicating Passion Box Set Read online

Page 11

  The words settled and I gazed at her. “Korah, can’t you see how badly you’re desired?” I growled, pointing to my bulging pants. I moved closer, tossing the pad and pen in the sink. “I want you so damned much right now, but I won’t do it. You’ve had a horrific night and I want you to know I want you for more than your deliciously beautiful body,” I admitted, running my hands up and down her arms, then caressing her back.

  She leaned into me, her breasts pressing against my chest. How I wished my shirt was off.

  As if she could read my mind, she slowly unbuttoned from top to bottom, peeling it away and dropping it on the floor. My pants followed. Her small fingers moved ridiculously slow, but I stopped myself from interfering. Soon, we both stood naked, my need for her obvious.

  She smirked, turning to start the water. That’s when I saw the streaks of sores going up her back, fresh injuries from when she fell on the concrete. My fingers brushed over them, and she turned, her eyes filled with sadness.

  “You’re still beautiful, Korah. Every inch of your body. I want to ravage you. Just push you forward and take you right here.”

  She licked her lips, pushing back with her ass causing me to groan loudly.

  “No, I was serious. Besides, I want to hear you scream and moan and you can’t use your voice right now, Angel Eyes,” I scolded, pulling her to me so her skin covered mine. I finished getting the shower ready, and picked her up, placing her under the warm water. Hot showers were the best, but the trauma from tonight prevented that.

  I kept true to my promise. I lathered her hair, gently washed her body. She watched me curiously, but didn’t try to make a move on me. I would have caved if she had. The sight of Korah standing under the water, it trickling over her skin and making her look so incredibly sexy made it difficult for me to think straight. I managed to wash her, help her with what she needed.

  After rinsing her hair, she lifted her arms to shampoo my hair. I felt her hot breath on my skin and before I could stop her, she pressed her lips to mine. Her tongue dove in, shattering my resistance. She kissed me with an intensity I’d never felt from her, completely knocking me senseless. All too quickly, she pulled away and finished lathering my hair, acting as if nothing happened.


  We stayed in the shower until the water grew cold. She towel dried me, and I her, before we both slipped into her bed in nothing but our underclothing. I had no choice, I only had the clothes I came in. We cuddled, something I wasn’t acquainted with, but hell, I was doing all kinds of new shit lately. Why not add cuddling to the list? She finally drifted off to sleep, her even breathing inviting me to join her.


  The next few days were a learning experience for both of us. Korah tried to talk at least once each hour I was with her, and I usually ended up stopping her with a kiss. I was getting used to kissing only her, and I really enjoyed it, but it was definitely new and unchartered territory for me.

  Were we together, an official boyfriend and girlfriend? No.

  Would we be? Probably.

  Was I scared? Absolutely terrified.

  I left her side only to go to the house and class. Cale stopped by her apartment a few times to see if I needed anything, but I knew it was a ruse to see Leela. Speaking of, Leela mothered us both, fawning over Korah and ensuring she took medications and knew when her appointments were while she insisted on feeding me every few hours.

  I didn’t know how she kept up with everything.

  Korah’s first therapy session had them both in tears when they returned, and deep down, I was relieved I had a test that day and couldn’t go. The bruises, the scratches, and knowing she was injured inside were enough for me. The thought of seeing her in more pain almost made me want to drop everything so I could hold and comfort her.

  It was three days after her hospital release that the cops showed up with her police report. The officer eyed her closely, handing over the paperwork.

  “Ma’am, we don’t usually deliver these. I wanted to make sure you got a copy. Someone will be calling you with a court date soon,” he said, then turned to me. “Probably you, too, Son.”

  Confused, I responded to Korah’s raised brow with a shoulder shrug. “What do you mean, Sir?”

  He ran a hand down his face. The stress of his job had taken a toll on his face, leaving him wrinkled and looked completely worn out. “That boy, the one that did this to her, he’s thinking of pressing charges on you.”

  Korah shook her head furiously, waving her hand around as if to say no, no, no. I was genuinely intrigued, unsure how this was possible.

  “Why haven’t I been notified?” I questioned.

  “He got bail today and whoever paid for it was there that night. He witnessed you sticking up for her and claims it was more than necessary, so Christopher decided to press charges, but we talked him into getting a lawyer first. It won’t fly in court.”

  Korah tensed beside me, her back rigid as the papers fell from her hands. I pulled her to me, crushing her to my side and running my hand up and down her arm for comfort.

  “We didn’t expect him to get out so soon. What can she do to protect herself?” I voiced the thoughts I was sure ran through her mind.

  He gave her a sympathetic smile, running a hand through his balding hair. “Well, a restraining order would be good, but I’ll be honest, that piece of paper won’t stop him from coming after you if he’s gonna. I recommend you getting it so he’ll get into more trouble with us if it happens, though.”

  Korah closed her eyes, exhaling heavily, and laid her head on my shoulder.

  I offered my hand, shaking his and said, “Thank you, I’ll take her down to the station today to get that in order.”

  He smiled, then lay a hand on Korah’s forearm. “I’m real sorry you got caught up with that guy. Seems like you got a good one here, though, so be safe. I suspect court will go in your favor. Not many judges side with an abusive man around here.”

  She smiled, squeezing my side, and looked at me expectantly.

  “I think she’s wanting me to tell you thank you for her. She still can’t use her voice, unfortunately.”

  Grimly, he shook his head. “I saw that in the paperwork. I hope you get to feeling better soon, ma’am.” He turned and left after, leaving us in a somber mood.

  Could Christopher legitimately press charges on me? Korah didn’t need the stress of worrying about this monster and his crazy antics. While I knew it was entirely possible Christopher would gain bail, I secretly hoped Korah wouldn’t realize it. Leela and I talked about it while she showered earlier, both swearing to never leave her alone for when the inevitable happened.

  I only wished she didn’t know he was free. The fear in her eyes, the way it moved through her, consuming her mind, body, and soul, frightened me. No one should live in fear, especially of someone they once had feelings for.

  No matter what happened, whether she decided she wanted nothing to do with me or confessed her undying love, I wouldn’t leave her side. She wouldn’t be left feeling vulnerable and open to his abuse again.

  I would protect Korah with everything in me.

  Chapter Four-Korah

  The court date was a month away. According to the district attorney, it was a good time frame, but I wanted to get it over with and put behind me. I dreaded seeing Christopher again, even in a safe setting, but Dane, Leela, and Windi promised to be by my side the entire time. Cale hadn’t said much, but I suspected he would show, as well. He and Leela were spending time together, but with everything going on, I hadn’t had time to grill her about it. I saw the stolen glances and the doe eyed look Lee had when she was around him.

  She was totally head over heels for him. I’d known her since I started college and not once had she ever acted this way around a guy. Sure, she dated and flirted and who knew what else, but the same guy coming back…the looks…the silly grin she had on her face when I walked into the living room and she was staring at a wall. It was new. I pr
ayed it was reciprocated.

  I didn’t know Cale well enough but I thought he felt the same. He kept coming back, so that was something. I reminded myself to ask Dane about it. He’d said they were best friends and frat brothers, so he must know something.

  My voice was coming back to me. It had been two weeks since the incident, and therapy happened five days a week. It hurt at first, but it wasn’t as difficult now. I sounded like an eighty year old smoker, though, and I disliked it. Dane was with me every day and there was no way he could think my scratchy, irritating voice was sexy. I often pondered why he spent so much time with me, if he truly cared, but then days like today happened and it shone a new light on Dane Davidson.

  “I played football,” he said as he lay at the foot of my bed, arms resting behind his head as I leaned against the headboard.

  He’d decided we needed to know more about one another, so we started with our childhoods and were slowly making our way to the present tense. It was fun, though at times made us both uncomfortable.

  “Were you a whore then?” I squeaked out.

  “No,” he said pointedly, giving me one of his Dane looks. “I told you before. I fell in love in high school. She cheated on me. I changed.” His eyes held a distant pain, and he gazed away from me. He was remembering.

  It hurt me to see him like this. He blamed himself for a lot of things, though he would never admit it. “What was your favorite subject?” I asked, swiftly changing directions.

  He turned to his side, propping on his elbow. “Science. It’s always been my thing.”

  I nodded. “Cool. Tell me more about you, I’m out of questions at this point,” I stated. Three days of this and I really was drawing a blank. I cleared my throat, something I did at least twenty times a day. Having messed up vocal cords wasn’t fun at all.

  “I don’t talk to anyone from high school anymore, I don’t like peas, and I think you’re the most beautiful, sexy girl I’ve ever met,” he smiled, slowly crawling up the bed to me.

  “Oh?” I questioned, feeling the heat rise on my cheeks. Since the night we took a shower together, Dane had been on his best behavior. He kissed me often, but never took it further. He stopped by, hung out, and was acting decent, considering what I knew of his reputation.

  It made me want him more.

  He nodded, smiling seductively. “Yeah,” he whispered when his face was inches from mine. He leaned in, securing my head in his hand and pressed his lips to mine. The passion we shared was undeniable, and each kiss, every touch sent me to oblivion. He kissed me deeper, our tongues dancing as his other hand roamed my body.

  I wanted him, I needed him. I prayed it happened today.

  Twisting my fingers in his hair, I pulled him until he was over me. His free hand tugged on my shirt, moving it up so he was free to touch and tease my skin. His lips moved to my jaw, then left light kisses across my throat. It was no longer black, but still slightly bruised. I couldn’t wait until it was gone so he could kiss and bite me like I wanted him to.

  His hand freed me of my shirt, then my bra, his head replacing his eager hand on my breast. I arched and urged him for more, pulling the back of his shirt up so he could free himself.

  Soon, we were bare, our flushed bodies urgent for each other. He continued his taunting, his lips kissing every inch of my body, while my hands caressed every inch of his in turn. We played until we both were panting for breath, both of us on the brink of insanity from need.

  He hovered above me, dipping his head so our noses were touching and slid in, his delicious eyes not looking away while he moved within me. My nails found his shoulder, my lips found his neck. I touched and lightly scratched his skin with each thrust, my moans growing as loud as my voice allowed.

  Our urgency from earlier made release come quickly. Dane pressed his forehead to mine, our eyes deeply connected while our bodies were washed in ecstasy. I cried his name and he covered my mouth with his, drowning out my raspy voice with a long, sensuous kiss.

  We lay tangled in each other, our sweaty bodies slick to the touch, our chests heaving to catch our breaths. He finally moved off me, pulling me close, pressing me to his chest and wrapping his arm around me.

  “You are amazing, Korah. I don’t know what it is, but you turn me on so much,” he murmured into my hair.

  I smiled, snuggling against his skin. “It’s the same with you. Remember the Halloween party?”

  He chuckled, “How could I forget?”

  I peered up, resting my chin on his shoulder. “I’ve never done that with some random guy before. You are only the second man I’ve…been with.” I didn’t know why I was telling him this, but I couldn’t seem to stop my mouth from pouring secrets. “Christopher was the only other one, and if you can believe it, he liked sex to be really rough.”

  He studied me, his hand lightly drawing circles on my back, sending chills down my spine. “Korah, I’m so sorry you got caught up with him. I wish…I….” he stuttered. “I wish you’d never met him. I can’t stand the thought of a man hurting a woman, but knowing he hurt you stirs this anger in me. I don’t like it.”

  I knew how he felt. I contained a similar anger, and for a long time it consumed me. Leela’s speech finally pulled me out of it. “I know.”

  “Let’s not talk about him anymore,” he smirked, grabbing my leg and tugging until I was settled on top of him.

  His fingers lightly brushed against my thigh and I felt him growing hard. “Again? Already?”

  “I told you, you turn me on,” he growled. His fingers glided over my breasts, pulling and squeezing my nipples as his hips arched upward, urging me to slide on him.

  I stayed as I was for longer than I wanted, but seeing him mad with lust for me was exciting. Desire took over, and I lifted enough to bring us together again. It was as amazing as the times before, our bodies were made for one another. We moved as one, pleasure taking over, leaving us drunk on lust. Or was it love?

  I wasn’t sure.

  We spent the rest of the day wrapped up in bed together. Talking, laughing, and giving in to our desires. Dane wasn’t anything like I expected. His true nature was often hidden behind his tough guy facade. He seemed to have lost his way during the years he tortured himself over a broken heart from his mother, then his ex-girlfriend.

  Still not sure how I broke through his defenses, I kept being just Korah. His sarcastic nature made me giggle, while his attractive looks drove me insane with hunger for him and only him. I’d never knew this kind of passion. It left me aching for more. I longed for it like an addict, needing Dane’s kiss, his touch, to curb my cravings.

  We were famished by the time our bellies reminded us to eat, so we threw on clothing long enough to make snack foods; popcorn, chicken tenders, and peanut butter sandwiches. We set up our buffet in my room, turning on a movie and settling in. Once we replenished our energy, the movie was forgotten, and once again we were lost in one another.

  Chapter Five-Dane

  My demons haunted me day and night, sneaking in my mind, taking control, and showering me with doubt. Uncertainty was a scary beast, rearing its ugly head at the most inopportune times. Never had I been one to deal with feelings and emotions and everything I’d suppressed for all these years.

  Korah was getting under my skin. I thought of her often, more than often, really. Her beautiful face danced in my mind, her voice sung me a lullaby. My dreams starred her, as well as my nightmares. She was an unstoppable force in my life.

  I needed distance.

  “Dane,” Cale said loudly, waving his hands in front of my face. “What is your problem?”


  “I asked you how Korah was,” he said expectantly. His brows furrowed while his gaze settled on my eyes. “Something you wanna talk about?”

  I shook my head. Talking wasn’t something I did. I was talking too much lately. I needed to stop. “Up for a basketball game?”

  His thumb jerked toward the window. “It’s twenty d
egrees outside.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot you were a pussy and couldn’t go out in the cold. Hang on, Grandma, let me get you a shawl,” I smirked, jumping up from my seat in our living area. My frustrations must be released in one form or another. A nice, friendly game sounded like the perfect plan. Maybe if I was extra taunting, I could convince Jack to join.

  “Asshole. Let me go change,” he said, rolling his eyes. He scurried away, flipping me off as he bound up the stairs.

  Our frat house wasn’t as active as it usually was. People weren’t coming and going as much as in the summer, so our boredom scales tipped unfavorably more often than not. Something about the cold, dreary months made us all turn into hermits. The regularly active and social guys from the house now stayed holed up in their room or some chick’s room.

  It was disturbing.

  The stairs squeaked under my feet as I pounded up the steps. Not paying attention, my shoulder bumped into Jack as he descended.

  “Watch it, jackass,” he snarled.

  I pushed him forcefully with my shoulder, causing him to stumble back against the bannister. “You watch it.”

  “Dane, Leela called and said Korah was going out,” Cale yelled from his room, gaining a gleefully devious grin over Jack’s face.

  “K,” I replied, not tearing my gaze from the idiot in front of me. He was such a stupid ass, a complete and total waste to society. I still didn’t know how he managed to pledge.

  “Is Korah your newest whore?” he asked, hurling his body forward, getting closer than I liked. “I didn’t know you knew their names…or gave out your phone number. Does she spread her legs extra well or something?”

  Jabbing my finger in his chest, I poked him hard. “Don’t talk about her.”

  He smirked, “Why not? Don’t tell me you have feelings for this one?”

  “I’m not talking to you about this,” I said, turning to walk away.

  He cackled behind me. “Do you think I could have a turn on her when you’re done? I don’t usually like your leftovers but she must be a wildcat to have you so riled up. Is she extra flexible? Or does she give good head or something? Tell me, Dane.”